Sunday, February 15, 2009

Played outside yesterday and now I am sick

Yesterday I shot in a rifle competition just outside Sacramento, CA. It was the Tactical Steel Match the the NorCal Practical Precision Rifle Club host every other month. The winds were a steady 15 mph with gusts up to 20 and the temp hovering around 50 degrees. Out of 25 shooters I finished #23. For whatever reason I was not able to hit a target to save my life. But I had a great time. My time on the range was even more special because my wife was there. It was a great way to spend valentines day with her.

And now today I am very miserable. My head hurts, nose is either stuffed up or running like a mad man, body aches and my throat is sore from all of the coughing I have been doing. So today I am taking it easy so I can get better for work tomorrow.

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