Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Wyoming visit

Yesterday afternoon my family and I made the trip from the Bay Area to the greatest state in the Union, WYOMING. The plane ride was very peaceful even while traveling with a 20 month old little boy. He slept the entire 2 1/2 hour flight.
When we arrived in Denver we where meet by a nice cool breeze that felt as though it was about 48 degrees. It felt wonderful to be back in a climate that actually felt like winter temps.
On our way to Cheyenne my wife wanted to stop and have dinner at the Cracker Barrel (CB). She has been craving CB for the past several months, and there are not any CB's in the area that we are in.
Our time here in Cheyenne is a time for us to relax and forget about how stressful our life is in the Bay Area. We really have no plans and really don't care what we do or when we do it. We have taken at least a 3 hour nap each day we have been here.
Hopefully I will be able to comeback in October to get a big Mule Deer. I am really looking forward to getting away again and coming back to my little oasis I like to call WYOMING.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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